The numbers

The Challenge We Face
With human error leading to 82% of cybersecurity attacks, it is clear where the Canadian government, businesses and associations must focus. Educating our population as early as possible, so that we can reduce cyberattacks and create an engaged and educated workforce. Cyber education programs must be delivered from primary school onwards. We must also deliver cyber education programs geared for various sectors of the Canadian population, including the elderly who are very vulnerable.
Our Hackers on the Hill program, is a key initiative to help the Federal, Provincial, and municipal governments to better understand what and where cybersecurity risks really exist. It is a partnership, a collaboration of information sharing by our members, who are during this program acting independently of their employers. It is hoped that governments and decision makers will see the risk and the real opportunities to make a difference in protecting Canada from cyber-crime via education.
One of our key values is collaboration. There is no need for us to reinvent or to compete against existing services or organizations. All we have to do is create a simpler path for businesses and individuals to access services and tools on their route to cyber success. At the Canadian Cybersecurity Network, we want to make those organizations shine, helping them communicate and get front and center with our members, so that our members can access those resources more easily.
Want to get involved? Get in touch.