
Canadian cybersecurity news and thought leadership


Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst - A hub for Canadian innovation

Have you heard of Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst? The organization is based in Brampton, Ontario, and is Toronto Metropolitan University’s national centre for research, training and innovation in cybersecurity. The Catalyst works with different partners, both private and public, and offers a variety of services and programs to help people who are interested in cyber, whether they want to learn, create, or collaborate. The Catalyst is also a community sponsor for the Canadian Cybersecurity Network (CCN), and I have been fortunate to work with them in the past, so when thinking of who else shares a passion for cyber career growth this was a clear answer for me. I therefore took the time to catch up with, and discuss the Catalyst with Trish Dyl, Director of Corporate Training and the Cyber Range.

When describing the Catalyst, she shared Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst is a unique and impactful organization that aims to create opportunities for Canadians to grow their knowledge and skills in the field of cybersecurity. The Catalyst is positioned to meet the needs of individuals at all levels, from young people to students and seniors, and from startups to corporations to policymakers.”

The Catalyst has many resources and opportunities for cyber enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, researchers, and professionals. Some of the resources are:

  • A Catalyst Cyber Range and testing facility that simulates real-world cyber scenarios and challenges. You can practice your cyber skills and learn from experts.

  • Incubator and accelerator program that helps cyber and finsec startups and scaleups to develop and commercialize their solutions. You can get mentorship, funding, and access to markets.

  • World-class cybersecurity training and certification programs that offer courses and credentials in various cyber domains and skills. You can learn new things, upgrade your resume, and prepare for working in the industry.

  • A research and innovation hub that fosters collaboration and partnerships among cyber researchers and experts. You can join the Catalyst Fellowship Program, develop esearch projects, apply for grants, and publish findings. 

  • A cyber talent pipeline that connects cyber job seekers and employers and provides career guidance and support. You can find or post cyber jobs, get career advice, and network with employers.

With my passion for women in cyber, I have had the pleasure of being a mentor during the first of the Master Card Emerging Leaders in Cyber Initiative at the Catalyst. This program was custom-built for women and non-binary leaders who seek to advance into executive-level positions in cybersecurity or related fields.

According to Trish it was built specifically not or cyber security professionals because a lot of the conversation at the Catalyst is about how much bigger cybersecurity is than simply the technology . The cyber initiative program therefore aims to stretch the lens and widen the aperture of the learners in the program so that everyone understands they have a part of the cybersecurity journey. The program runs one cohort a year, with a maximum of 30 participants. These individuals apply for the program and are selected, just like you would be for an MBA program, and then enroll for the program, which includes both in-person and virtual learning modules.

Trish shared with me that it was initially designed that way due to covid and the return to work being unclear across organizations.  But now that has been a huge benefit to the program as it has also created a community for the women included in it as they spent 3-4 days together every few months for a more intensive module, along with doing a large project in a group as part of the final component of the program. Trish also gave me a heads-up that the program would be changing to have more in-person modules, given the overwhelming positive feedback on those components in the past. When I asked for feedback on the program, outside of my own highly complementary review and passion for sharing more about it, Trish said; “We have had tremendous feedback from our learners and our mentors on the success of the program and the approach we have taken. Most often, the comment is that I now have a well-rounded perspective on cybersecurity’. 

She also shared that while many of the learners are getting promoted, that isn’t the only benefit.  More importantly, many people have shared that they wouldn’t have considered various other jobs before but now have the confidence to apply to those senior positions as they have more information about the global landscape.     This highly sought after program is gearing up for its third cohort in Fall 2024. If you are interested in learning more, visit or contact CCN for more information.

Overall, Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst program is a powerful hub for Canadians looking to grow their knowledge and skills in the field of cybersecurity. With its focus on customized training and its commitment to building a strong Canadian ecosystem, the program is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to advance their career in this rapidly growing field.  I have had the chance to learn more about other Catalyst programs through individuals I know who support them, those who have hired from them, and those who have shared success stories socially. I can’t say enough amazing things about what this organization is doing and how it is looking to shape the Canadian cybersecurity landscape, so I highly recommend you check them out and follow them on social media to see if the Catalyst can help you achieve your goals.  

Trish did say to me when we spoke that the Catalyst is like a flight simulator, as so many of the programs offered really put you in the seat of someone working in this industry daily. That is truly something that stands out as a differentiator for me, given how much of an impact that can have on people in such a short time. 

In the words of Trish Dyl, "Our goal is to ensure that Canadians are protected and that we aren't like everybody else. We deliver homegrown Canadian products which I'm quite proud of." So, what are you waiting for? Go check out the Catalyst!