Juliana Zaremba

Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst - A hub for Canadian innovation

Have you heard of Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst? The organization is based in Brampton, Ontario, and is Toronto Metropolitan University’s national centre for research, training and innovation in cybersecurity. The Catalyst works with different partners, both private and public, and offers a variety of services and programs to help people who are interested in cyber, whether they want to learn, create, or collaborate. The Catalyst is also a community sponsor for the Canadian Cybersecurity Network (CCN), and I have been fortunate to work with them in the past, so when thinking of who else shares a passion for cyber career growth this was a clear answer for me. I therefore took the time to catch up with, and discuss the Catalyst with Trish Dyl, Director of Corporate Training and the Cyber Range.

The road to cyber

I have shared this story often privately, but I recently shared it through my social network and...