
Canadian cybersecurity news and thought leadership


SSCC - Kick Ass Conference

The Ski & Snowboard Conference at the Horseshoe Resort outside of Barrie, was a kick ass conference. The reason the approach works is that the overall event atmosphere is laid back, vendors are approachable, and the networking opportunities are fruitful. Tony Abi-Jaoude , Evegniy Kharam, Dmitry Raidman, Megan Masters and Jessica Donskova, have put together a gem here. Read on to find out why this model triumphs over other conferences.

My travels had taken me to the nation’s capital, and I was lucky enough to grab a sponsored ride with Mark Hammerling of Codesecure. In the vehicle was Mark Tse, a well-known cybersecurity community advocate. The ride through a deep freeze, snowstorm was fantastic, with all of us sharing of stories and connections. The beginning of friendships, business opportunities and fun.

Once we arrived at the Horseshoe Resort, we could tell the atmosphere was different from most conferences, as the laid-back ski resort seemed to put people at ease with everyone happy to meet and greet, with no, I am too special or important to meet you can of vibe. The free food and drinks flowed throughout the day. Lots of opportunities to hear presentations, go skiing or snowboarding, get some work done or just network. The great thing about this event is that it allows every participant to get what they need as there are many outlets for the highly extroverted, introverted or like me a mix of both, who sometimes needs to recharge the battery.

With around 200 participants of mixed seniority and roles, I feel you could always get a different view point of view or learn something new. Near the end of the day it was announced there would be a Hike and Bike Cybersecurity event at the same resort in August. I already signed up, a clear sign that the conference gives me exactly what I need. I think, I will be multi day biking to the event if anyone is interested. Likely from Ottawa, details to come.

For many of us who stayed over after the event concluded, we had an opportunity to continue sharing cyber war stories and get to know each other over drinks and food in an informal atmosphere. Thank you Toni and Megan for inviting us to their suite.

Highly encourage everyone to consider signing up now for the Bike and Hike Cybersecurity event, as to not get disappointed.