
Canadian cybersecurity news and thought leadership


Secure GenAI: cybersecurity in the era of generative AI

Published with authors permission from Linkedin Post

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." — Steve Jobs

This article begins by examining neural networks and Generative AI ("GenAI"), emphasizing their ethical and secure use in business, while highlighting their potential to enhance cybersecurity and the risks of inaction:

  1. Understanding Neural Networks and Generative AI (evolution, key concepts, breakthroughs in NLP, multi-modal AI, and the leap to generative capabilities);
  2. GenAI Security Challenges (data leakage and privacy concerns, prompt injection, model poisoning, AI hallucinations, compliance and intellectual property issues, privacy-preserving techniques);
  3. Leveraging GenAI for Enhanced Cybersecurity (advanced threat detection, automated incident response, vulnerability analysis, enhanced phishing detection, predictive analysis, threat forecasting, and debunking myths);
  4. Responsible Implementation (ethical considerations, human oversight and AI-human teaming, on-premise vs. cloud deployment, advanced privacy-preserving techniques, regulatory landscape, and security best practices);
  5. The Cost of Inaction (risks of not adopting GenAI, including falling behind in threat detection and response, increased vulnerability to APTs, competitive disadvantages, inefficient resource allocation, and the dangers of Shadow IT).


"ChatGPT reached 100 million users just 2 months after launch, becoming the fastest-growing consumer application in history." — Reuters


In November 2022, OpenAI's ChatGPT burst onto the scene, becoming the fastest-growing consumer application in history and marking a pivotal moment in Generative AI (GenAI). This technological leap has profound implications for cybersecurity, opening new frontiers in both defense and potential threats.

Recent advancements in multi-modal GenAI, capable of processing and generating text, images, and code simultaneously, have revolutionized cybersecurity operations. The integration of large language models (LLMs) into security protocols, the rise of AI-powered threat detection and response systems, and the emergence of sophisticated AI-driven cyberattacks have fundamentally altered the cybersecurity landscape.

As organizations race to adopt these technologies, they face a dual challenge: harnessing GenAI's power to bolster their defenses while mitigating the novel risks it introduces. This rapidly evolving scenario underscores the critical need for cybersecurity professionals to understand, implement, and manage GenAI technologies responsibly and effectively.

This article explores the transformative impact of Generative AI on cybersecurity, from its neural network foundations to its practical applications, implementation challenges, and the potential consequences of inaction. By understanding these key aspects, organizations can navigate the complexities of GenAI and forge a path towards more robust and adaptive cybersecurity strategies.

Key Components of a Neural Network

1. Understanding Neural Networks and Generative AI

The Evolution from Neural Networks to Generative AI

Neural networks, inspired by the human brain, consist of interconnected neurons that process and transmit information. Advances in computing have led to deep learning, where multi-layered networks analyze complex data patterns. For example, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are used for image processing by recognizing patterns in visual data, while Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) handle sequential data by maintaining information across time steps. This progression has led to Generative AI, utilizing models like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Transformers to create new content beyond traditional AI capabilities. GANs operate with a ‘generator-critic’ system to produce realistic data, while Transformers excel at understanding and generating language. These models power systems like ChatGPT, enabling human-like text generation and complex query comprehension. Deep learning principles, including CNNs for images and RNNs for sequences, have laid the foundation for the advancement to Generative AI, expanding the possibilities in artificial intelligence.

"The market size in the Artificial Intelligence market is projected to reach US$184.00bn in 2024." — Statista

Breakthroughs in Natural Language Processing

The development of large language models (LLMs) like Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) has transformed natural language processing. GPT models are trained on extensive text datasets and are capable of generating human-like text with remarkable fluency and contextual understanding. These models utilize unsupervised learning on massive amounts of data to understand intricate language patterns and relationships. This has led to significant advancements in tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and question-answering. The most advanced LLMs, like GPT, can even perform tasks they weren’t specifically trained for, known as few-shot or zero-shot learning, making them particularly valuable in dynamic fields like cybersecurity, where new threats and terminologies frequently emerge.

2. GenAI Security Challenges

As Generative AI (GenAI) becomes increasingly integrated into cybersecurity systems, concerns surrounding both privacy and security emerge as critical considerations. These concerns encompass various aspects of GenAI implementation and use, creating a complex landscape that organizations must navigate with care."82% of firms pressing ahead with investment in AI, despite 50% being unclear on its business impact or how to implement it" — Orgvue

Data Protection Challenges in GenAI Systems

A primary concern in the implementation of GenAI systems is the protection of sensitive data throughout the AI lifecycle. This challenge manifests in several interconnected ways:

  • Data Exposure Risks: The extensive amounts of data required for training and operating GenAI systems present significant security challenges. Organizations face the risk of inadvertently inputting sensitive information into these systems, especially in cloud environments where data boundaries can be less clear. This risk is compounded by the potential for unauthorized access to both training data and model outputs.
  • Model Memorization and Reproduction: GenAI models have the capability to unintentionally memorize and reproduce sensitive information from their training data. This characteristic poses a risk of unintended disclosure of confidential details through model outputs, potentially compromising individual privacy or revealing proprietary information.
  • Privacy Concerns: The very nature of GenAI models presents additional privacy challenges. The ability of these systems to generate highly realistic and contextually appropriate content raises concerns about the potential misuse of personal or sensitive information.
  • Unauthorized Access: There's an ongoing risk of unauthorized parties gaining access to the models or the data used to train them, which could lead to the extraction of sensitive information or the manipulation of model outputs.


To address these interconnected privacy and security challenges, several innovative techniques have been developed:

  • Federated Learning: Allows model training across multiple decentralized devices or servers without exchanging raw data.
  • Differential Privacy: Adds noise to the data or model outputs to protect individual privacy while maintaining overall accuracy.
  • Secure Enclaves: Provides a protected environment for processing sensitive data, isolating it from the rest of the system.
  • Homomorphic Encryption: Enables computations on encrypted data without decrypting it, preserving privacy throughout the process.


By implementing these advanced techniques and maintaining rigorous data governance practices, organizations can mitigate some of the risks associated with data exposure and model memorization in GenAI systems, striking a balance between leveraging the power of AI and protecting sensitive information.

Prompt Injection (

Prompt Injection Attacks

This novel attack vector is specific to GenAI systems. Prompt injection attacks are a novel threat where malicious actors craft inputs that manipulate GenAI models. Think of it as a form of 'AI hacking' where the attacker tries to trick the AI into performing unintended actions by carefully constructing the prompts given to the system. As GenAI systems become more prevalent in business operations, the potential impact of successful prompt injection attacks grows, necessitating new approaches to input validation and AI security.

Model Poisoning and Bias

Adversaries may attempt to compromise GenAI systems by introducing malicious data into the training set. This can lead to biased outputs or create vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit. Maintaining the integrity of GenAI models is essential, and poisoning attacks undermine this foundational element. Model poisoning can be particularly dangerous because it can be challenging to detect once the model has been trained. Biased or compromised models may produce results that appear normal but contain subtle alterations that benefit the attacker. Furthermore, inherent biases in training data can lead to AI systems making unfair or discriminatory decisions, posing both ethical and security risks. Organizations must implement rigorous data validation and model monitoring processes to mitigate these risks.

AI Hallucinations and False Positives/Negatives

A significant challenge in deploying GenAI for cybersecurity is the phenomenon of "AI hallucinations" - instances where AI models generate plausible but factually incorrect or nonsensical outputs. In a security context, these hallucinations can lead to false positives (incorrectly identifying benign activities as threats) or false negatives (failing to detect actual security incidents). For instance, an AI-powered threat detection system might misinterpret normal network traffic patterns as malicious activity, triggering unnecessary alerts and potentially overwhelming security teams. Conversely, it might overlook subtle indicators of a real attack, leaving the organization vulnerable. These inaccuracies can erode trust in AI systems and complicate decision-making processes for security professionals. Mitigating this challenge requires robust validation mechanisms, continuous model monitoring, and the integration of human oversight to verify and contextualize AI-generated insights.

"88% believe AI is essential for performing security tasks efficiently." — Allaboutai

3. Leveraging GenAI for Enhanced Cybersecurity

GenAI presents new security challenges but also offers groundbreaking opportunities to strengthen cybersecurity defenses. However, it is important to note that GenAI-powered security systems are not infallible; they will not prevent all cyberattacks. Despite GenAI’s significant improvements in threat detection and response, cybersecurity remains a constant challenge that requires ongoing vigilance and a multi-layered (defense in depth) approach.

Advanced Threat Detection

GenAI models excel at analyzing vast amounts of data to identify anomalies and potential threats that traditional security tools might miss. For example, these models can detect subtle patterns in network traffic or user behaviour that indicate a breach, enabling earlier intervention and potentially preventing more significant damage. To understand how this fits into proactive cybersecurity strategies, refer to my article on CTEM — The Future of Proactive Cybersecurity.

While some fear that GenAI will completely replace human cybersecurity professionals, the reality is that it complements human expertise. GenAI excels at processing extensive data to identify anomalies, but human insight remains vital for contextualizing these findings and making strategic decisions.

These systems rapidly adapt to new threat patterns, outpacing traditional rule-based systems in identifying potential security risks. Moreover, GenAI can help reduce false positives by understanding context and distinguishing between genuine threats and benign anomalies, allowing security teams to focus their efforts more effectively.

Automated Incident Response

GenAI can draft incident reports, suggest remediation actions, and even automate certain security tasks. This automation allows security teams to respond to incidents faster and more efficiently, significantly reducing the time it takes to contain and recover from attacks. By analyzing past incidents and their resolutions, GenAI systems can provide context-aware recommendations for addressing new security events. These AI-driven systems can also help prioritize incidents based on their potential impact, ensuring that the most critical issues receive immediate attention. Furthermore, GenAI can assist in coordinating response efforts across different teams and systems, streamlining the incident management process. As cyber-attacks become more sophisticated and frequent, the speed and accuracy of AI-powered incident response become increasingly essential for maintaining robust cybersecurity.

Vulnerability Analysis and Code Security

GenAI can assist in scanning code for vulnerabilities, potentially finding security flaws that human analysts might overlook. By providing recommendations for fixes, GenAI helps maintain a more secure codebase and reduces the likelihood of exploits. These AI systems can analyze extensive amounts of code much faster than human reviewers, identifying patterns that may indicate security weaknesses. Moreover, GenAI can learn from a wide range of codebases and security best practices, applying this knowledge to detect even subtle vulnerabilities. As the complexity of software systems continues to grow, the role of GenAI in ensuring code security becomes increasingly important, offering a scalable solution to the challenge of maintaining secure software in rapidly evolving technological landscapes.

Enhanced Phishing Detection

GenAI can analyze emails and other communications to detect phishing attempts with high accuracy. By recognizing suspicious patterns and language indicative of phishing, GenAI helps protect against one of the most common and dangerous types of cyberattacks. These AI systems can assess multiple aspects of a communication, including sender information, linguistic patterns, and contextual relevance, to determine the likelihood of it being a phishing attempt. GenAI models can also adapt to new phishing tactics more quickly than traditional rule-based systems, staying ahead of evolving threats. Furthermore, GenAI can be used to generate realistic phishing simulations for employee training, enhancing an organization's overall phishing resilience.

These applications of GenAI in cybersecurity demonstrate its transformative potential across the entire security landscape. From proactive threat detection and automated incident response to enhanced vulnerability analysis and predictive capabilities, GenAI is revolutionizing how organizations defend against cyber threats. By leveraging these AI-driven tools, security teams can significantly enhance their ability to protect digital assets, respond to incidents swiftly, and stay ahead of evolving threats. However, it's important to remember that GenAI is not a silver bullet, but rather a powerful complement to human expertise in the ongoing battle against cyber threats.

4. Responsible Implementation of GenAI

To harness the power of GenAI while mitigating risks, organizations should follow best practices and consider ethical implications.

Ethical Considerations and Guidelines

Organizations must establish clear and responsible guidelines for deploying GenAI, ensuring that these systems are secure, fair, and transparent while respecting the rights and privacy of all stakeholders. This includes addressing potential biases in AI models and preventing GenAI systems from perpetuating or amplifying existing societal inequalities. Ethical guidelines should also cover responsible data use, including obtaining proper consent for data collection and AI training. Implementing mechanisms for accountability and oversight in AI decision-making processes is necessary, particularly in high-stakes applications. Additionally, organizations should consider the broader societal impacts of their GenAI implementations and strive to align their AI strategies with principles of social responsibility and sustainable development. For example, a financial institution using GenAI for fraud detection must ensure that the AI doesn’t inadvertently discriminate against certain demographic groups. This might involve regular audits of the AI’s decisions, ensuring diverse representation in training data, and establishing clear processes for human review of AI-flagged transactions.

Further exploration of this topic can be found in my article Responsible AI Implementation in Enterprise and Public Sector, which provides a comprehensive overview of ethical AI deployment across various industries.

"93% of business leaders believe humans should be involved in artificial intelligence decision-making." — Workday

Human Oversight and AI-Human Teaming

While GenAI offers powerful capabilities in cybersecurity, it's crucial to maintain human oversight and avoid over-reliance on AI systems. The concept of "AI-human teaming" emphasizes the synergy between human expertise and AI capabilities. Human cybersecurity professionals complement AI systems with critical thinking, contextual understanding, and ethical judgment. They can interpret AI-generated insights, validate results, and make nuanced decisions that consider broader organizational and societal implications. For instance, in threat detection, while GenAI can rapidly analyze large amounts of data and flag potential threats, human analysts are essential for contextualizing these alerts, discerning false positives, and determining appropriate responses. This collaborative approach leverages the strengths of both AI (speed, pattern recognition, data processing) and humans (creativity, adaptability, ethical reasoning).

Organizations should foster a culture of critical thinking where AI recommendations are scrutinized rather than blindly accepted. Regular training should be provided to help cybersecurity teams understand both the capabilities and limitations of GenAI systems. By striking the right balance between AI automation and human expertise, organizations can enhance their cybersecurity posture while maintaining the flexibility and judgment necessary to address complex, evolving threats.

On-Premise vs. Cloud-Based LLMs

Choosing the right deployment model is key. On-premise LLMs offer greater control and security, making them ideal for handling sensitive data, particularly in regulated industries. For example, a healthcare provider handling sensitive patient data might opt for an on-premise LLM to maintain strict control over data access and comply with HIPAA regulations. However, on-premise solutions require significant resources for maintenance and integration with existing security infrastructure.

Cloud-based LLMs, on the other hand, provide scalability and ease of use, making them attractive for less regulated sectors. For instance, a retail company might choose a cloud-based solution for its customer service chatbot, benefiting from the scalability and regular updates provided by the cloud service. Despite these advantages, cloud-based LLMs raise concerns about data sovereignty and vendor lock-in.

Organizations must carefully evaluate their specific needs and risks when deciding between these options. A hybrid approach, combining on-premise and cloud solutions, might be optimal for some, allowing them to balance security, flexibility, and resource constraints while taking advantage of the strengths of both models.

Challenges in implementing Responsible AI (

Regulatory Landscape, Compliance, and the Integration of GenAI

As Generative AI (GenAI) becomes increasingly integrated into cybersecurity strategies, concerns surrounding both privacy and security emerge as critical considerations. These concerns span various aspects of GenAI implementation and use, creating a complex landscape that organizations must navigate with care.

In parallel, the regulatory environment surrounding GenAI is rapidly evolving. Organizations must stay informed about emerging regulations and ensure their GenAI implementations comply with data protection laws and industry standards. The interplay between security, privacy, and compliance demands a vigilant approach. Collaboration between industry stakeholders and regulatory bodies is essential to developing effective frameworks that ensure the safe and responsible use of GenAI. As governments around the world grapple with the implications of AI, new laws and guidelines are being proposed and enacted at an unprecedented pace. Staying compliant in this dynamic landscape requires ongoing vigilance, adaptability, and a proactive approach to addressing ethical, legal, and security considerations in AI deployment.

The use of GenAI in creative processes raises significant questions about the ownership of AI-generated content. As GenAI systems become more sophisticated in generating text, images, and even code, determining the rightful owner of these outputs becomes increasingly complex. This ambiguity can lead to legal disputes and potential intellectual property infringement. Additionally, integrating GenAI into business processes can complicate adherence to data protection regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. Ensuring that GenAI systems comply with these regulations is a complex task that requires careful planning and implementation. Organizations must navigate the fine line between leveraging GenAI's capabilities and maintaining compliance with evolving data protection laws. This often requires implementing stringent data governance policies and maintaining transparent AI usage practices.

Security Best Practices

Implementing strict access controls, conducting regular security audits, and providing comprehensive employee training on responsible GenAI use are essential practices. Organizations should also consider partnering with cybersecurity experts to implement GenAI securely and ensure ongoing monitoring and updates of their systems. Clear policies governing the use of GenAI tools, including guidelines for data handling and model access, must be established. Regular penetration testing of GenAI systems can help identify vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors. Additionally, organizations should implement robust logging and monitoring systems to track all interactions with GenAI models, enabling quick detection and response to any suspicious activities.

5. The Cost of Inaction: Risks of Not Adopting GenAI

While the adoption of GenAI comes with challenges, the risks of not leveraging this technology in cybersecurity can be even more significant.

Increased Vulnerability to Advanced Persistent Threats

Without GenAI-powered defenses, organizations may struggle to detect and mitigate Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). These sophisticated, long-term attacks often go unnoticed by conventional security tools. GenAI systems are better equipped to identify the subtle signs of APTs, adapting to their evolving tactics. Organizations lacking these advanced defenses risk prolonged exposure to these stealthy threats, potentially leading to significant data breaches and financial losses.

Competitive Disadvantage

In an era where cyber resilience is a key differentiator, organizations lagging in GenAI adoption may lose business opportunities to more technologically advanced competitors. Clients and partners may prefer to work with companies that demonstrate cutting-edge security capabilities. As GenAI becomes more prevalent in cybersecurity, it may become a standard expectation in certain industries. Organizations that fail to keep up with this trend may find themselves excluded from business opportunities or partnerships due to perceived security inadequacies. Additionally, the efficiency gains provided by GenAI in areas such as threat detection and incident response can lead to significant cost savings and improved operational effectiveness. Companies that don't leverage these advantages may struggle to remain competitive in terms of both security posture and overall business performance.

Inefficient Resource Allocation

Without AI automation, skilled security professionals may be bogged down with repetitive tasks, leading to inefficient use of human expertise. This can result in slower response times to critical threats and missed opportunities for strategic security improvements. The sheer volume of data and potential security events in modern IT environments can overwhelm human analysts. GenAI can handle much of the initial data processing and analysis, allowing human experts to focus on more complex, high-level security tasks. Organizations that don't adopt GenAI may find their security teams stretched thin, potentially missing critical threats amidst the noise of daily operations. Furthermore, the burnout and fatigue associated with manual processing of large volumes of security data can lead to increased human error and decreased job satisfaction among security professionals. By not leveraging GenAI to augment their capabilities, organizations risk underutilizing their human resources and compromising the overall effectiveness of their security operations.

"(In 2024) 65 percent of respondents report that their organizations are regularly using GenAI, nearly double the percentage from our previous survey just ten months ago." — McKinsey

Dangers of Shadow IT

Shadow IT, where employees use unauthorized tools, introduces significant security risks like data breaches and compliance issues. As employees seek more efficient ways to work, they may turn to unapproved third-party applications that lack proper security measures.

Providing employees with secure, GenAI-powered tools can reduce the need for Shadow IT. With the right controls in place, GenAI use can be effectively monitored, ensuring that employees have the tools they need without compromising security.

Failing to offer secure GenAI solutions may leave organizations vulnerable to the risks associated with Shadow IT. Supplying approved, AI-driven alternatives is essential for maintaining a strong security posture and preventing potential cyber threats.


The rise of Generative AI represents both a significant challenge and an unprecedented opportunity in the realm of cybersecurity. As we navigate this new landscape, it's crucial that we approach GenAI with a balanced perspective – harnessing its power to enhance our defenses while remaining vigilant about the new risks it introduces.

Organizations must prioritize the development of comprehensive GenAI security strategies, encompassing everything from data protection and ethical use guidelines to innovative applications in threat detection and response. By doing so, we can create a future where AI not only powers our digital world but also serves as its guardian.

The journey ahead is complex, but with careful planning, continuous learning, and a commitment to responsible innovation, we can build a safer, more resilient digital ecosystem in the age of Generative AI. To lead in AI-driven cybersecurity, organizations must:

  1. Commit to ongoing learning and adaptation in AI technologies.
  2. Strengthen AI-human collaboration in security operations.
  3. Uphold ethical AI practices in all implementations.
  4. Adopt advanced techniques like federated learning to enhance privacy and security in AI deployments.


In this rapidly evolving digital landscape, the integration of GenAI into cybersecurity strategies is not just an option, but a necessity for organizations aiming to build robust, adaptive, and future-proof defense mechanisms against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.

References and Further Reading

Cybersecurity and AI:

CFO. (2023). Cybersecurity Attacks Increase as Generative AI Adoption Grows. —

CISA. (2024). Joint Guidance on Deploying AI Systems Securely. —

Compunet Infotech. (2024). Ethical vs. Unethical Use of AI in Cybersecurity. —

Convin. (2024). Secure Generative AI: Safeguarding Data in Contact Centers. —

ENISA. (2024). Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Challenges. —

EvolveBi. (2023). Generative AI in Cyber Security Market Analysis and Global Forecast 2023-2033 with COVID Impact Analysis. —

Global X ETFs. (2023). Cybersecurity Faces Transformation from Generative AI. —

ISACA. (2024). AI Security Risk and Best Practices. —

Kaspersky. (2023). Story of the year 2023: AI impact on cybersecurity. —

NIST. (2024). AI Risk Management Framework. —

The Aspen Institute. (2024). Generative AI Regulation and Cybersecurity. —

The Hacker News. (2024). U.S. Government Releases New AI Security Guidelines for Critical Infrastructure. —

ResearchGate. (2024). Advanced Surveillance and Detection Systems Using Deep Learning to Combat Human Trafficking. —

Statista. (2024). Global concerns about generative AI’s impact on cyber 2024. —

Williams, J. (2024). AI-Cybersecurity Update —

Williams, J. (2024). Maximizing Cybersecurity with AI: A Comprehensive Guide to Applications, Strategy, Ethics, and the Future —

Williams, J. (2024). CTEM — The Future of Proactive Cybersecurity —

AI Technologies and Trends:

AIMultiple. (2024). In-Depth Guide to Cloud Large Language Models (LLMs) in 2024. —

AllAboutAI. (2024). 33+ AI in Cybersecurity Statistics for 2024: Friend or Foe? —

CISA. (2024). Artificial Intelligence. —

CISA. (2024). CISA Artificial Intelligence Use Cases. —

CISA. (2024). Roadmap for AI. —

DataCamp. (2024). What is Prompt Engineering? A Detailed Guide For 2024. —

Gartner. (2024). Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2024. —

Interview Guy. (2024). 26 Disadvantages of Being an AI Content Writer (No Novelty). —

McKinsey & Company. (2024). The state of AI in early 2024. —

Orgvue. (2024). 82% of firms pressing ahead with investment in AI, despite 50% being unclear on its business impact or how to implement it. —

Statista. (2024). Artificial Intelligence - Global | Statista Market Forecast. —

AI Ethics, Compliance, and Best Practices:

AON. (2024). Generative AI: Emerging Risks and Insurance Market Trends. —

Dialzara. (2024). 10 AI Security Standards & Best Practices 2024. —

IEEE. (2024). Ethics in Action. —

Scytale. (2024). The Power of Gen-AI in Regulatory Compliance for SaaS Startups. —

Williams, J. (2024). Responsible AI Implementation in Enterprise and Public Sector —

Workday. (2023). Workday Global Survey: Majority of Business Leaders Believe Humans Should be Involved in AI Decision-Making; Cite Ethical and Data Concerns. —

About the Author

Junior Williams, a Senior Solutions Architect at Mobia, leverages extensive expertise in programming, IT, and cybersecurity to drive innovative risk assessment and vCISO consulting. As a Security Architect and AI Researcher, he skillfully blends academic knowledge with practical industry solutions, crafting advanced cybersecurity strategies while advocating for ethical AI practices. His thought leadership is widely recognized, with contributions on panels, podcasts, CBC News, and guest lectures, where he actively shapes the discourse on modern cybersecurity.

Outside of work, Junior enjoys cycling, video games, creating intricate mandalas, and spending quality time with his family. These interests provide a well-rounded perspective that enriches his approach to both cybersecurity and AI.