
Canadian cybersecurity news and thought leadership


"CCN turns five: brace for turbulence and thrilling adventures!"

Five years ago, I sat at my desk, the sound of heavy rain pelting against the window, creating a rhythmic but relentless backdrop. It was the kind of day that made you want to curl up and do anything but work. But there I was, sending out the first of many invitations to join a new LinkedIn group I had just created—the Canadian Cybersecurity Network. I had a vision, and that vision started with a single, small step.

At first, the work was hard and often felt unrewarding. I’d spend hours each day reaching out to potential members, crafting messages, sharing content, and slowly trying to spark conversations. The progress was painfully slow. The group grew first to 10, then to 25, and eventually to 50. I celebrated each small milestone quietly, knowing the journey was just beginning.

My partner watched all of this unfold with a mix of curiosity and concern. More than once, she asked, “Why are you doing this? It’s not generating any revenue. What’s the point?” She couldn’t understand why I was pouring so much time and energy into something that, at least on the surface, seemed to offer so little in return.

I would smile and tell her, “It’s a dream of mine to build this community, to make it thrive and accomplish great things for Canada.” I wanted to create a space where professionals from all corners of the country could connect, collaborate, and grow together. I saw a need—a gap in our ability to come together as a unified front against the growing cyber threats facing our nation. I believed that if we could just get the right people talking to each other, we could spark something amazing.

Day by day, the group grew. Members started to engage more, sharing their experiences, offering advice, and collaborating on projects. The Canadian Cybersecurity Network began to transform from a small LinkedIn group into a thriving community of professionals, each contributing to a larger cause. We hosted webinars, launched mentoring programs, and developed partnerships with universities, colleges, companies, and even the government.

It wasn’t easy, and there were countless days when I questioned myself. But every time I saw a new member join or a meaningful conversation unfold, I was reminded of why I started this journey. Today, our community stands as Canada’s largest technology network, with over 42,000 members reaching nearly a million people across various platforms. We are stronger together, and I’m proud of what we’ve built.

And yet, this dream is just starting. Our journey is still long. The ride is about to get bumpier, but it’s also about to become more exciting. There are far too many people to thank—from those who were early adopters five years ago, to our dedicated board advisors, amazing volunteers, and both old and new customers. I also want to extend my gratitude to my critics and naysayers who have driven me to prove them wrong and provided me with different viewpoints. We may not all agree, but we share the same mission: making cybersecurity great in Canada and around the world.

The path ahead is filled with challenges and opportunities, and I couldn’t be more excited for what’s to come. Together, we will continue to grow, innovate, and make a difference. Here’s to the next chapter of the Canadian Cybersecurity Network, and to building a safer, more secure future for everyone.