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Cyber a hot topic at MISA

Written by Juliana Zaremba | Jun 6, 2024 11:58:02 AM

The annual event for municipal IT professionals in Ontario attracted a record number of participants and sponsors, and showcased the latest trends and challenges in the sector.

The Municipal Information Systems Association (MISA) of Ontario held its 2024 conference in Niagara Falls from June 2 to 5, and it was a resounding success. The event was sold out in advance, with over 1,200 attendees from across the province. The conference also featured more than 100 sponsors and exhibitors, representing a wide range of IT solutions and services for the municipal sector.

The conference offered a rich and varied program, covering topics such as digital transformation, data analytics, cloud computing, smart cities, accessibility, and innovation. The keynote speakers included experts from academia, industry, and government, who shared their insights and best practices on how to leverage technology to improve service delivery and citizen engagement. The conference also provided ample opportunities for networking, learning, and collaboration among the participants, through workshops, roundtables, meetings, and social events.

One of the main topics at the conference was cybersecurity, which is a critical issue for municipalities of all sizes. The conference highlighted the growing threats and risks that municipal IT systems face, such as ransomware, phishing, and data breaches. The conference also showcased the solutions and strategies that municipalities can adopt to protect their assets and information, such as encryption, backup, and incident response. Several security companies were present at the conference, offering their products and services to help municipalities enhance their cybersecurity posture and resilience.  As one of the sponsors who was present I can also say that it was a major topic of conversation during discussions and networking events.  It was wonderful to see that cybersecurity is at top of mind for the municipalities and that they are sharing knowledge across regions to help each other in this complex and ever-changing space.  While many acknowledged that it is not something they have completely solved at this time, and that they often have resource constraints along with the procurement processes that impact their ability to move quickly at times, they are all making strides to be in a more comfortable position for their region.

The MISA Ontario conference 2024 was a valuable experience for all the attendees, sponsors, and organizers. The conference demonstrated the strength and diversity of the municipal IT community in Ontario, and the importance of staying updated and connected in a rapidly changing and challenging environment. The conference also provided a platform for sharing knowledge, ideas, and solutions, and for fostering partnerships and collaborations among the stakeholders. This honestly was the biggest take away for me, the way everyone was sharing and discussing what was going on openly and trying to truly help each other was inspiring.  Knowing that we can do more when we work together, especially in cyber, it was so wonderful to see the different municipalities supporting each other, despite size, throughout the event. The conference was a testament to the vision and mission of MISA Ontario, which is to support and promote excellence in municipal IT.