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Unveiling legacies: A recap of SecureWorld Toronto 2024

Written by Jessica Donskova | Apr 19, 2024 3:59:01 PM

SecureWorld was honored to be back in Toronto after a successful event here in 2019 that was unfortunately taken off the schedule due to the pandemic.

SecureWorld Toronto took place on April 3, 2024, at the Beanfield Centre in Downtown Toronto. They aim to foster growth, access and excellence among cybersecurity professionals. What makes these events unique is their themes, which change yearly. 2024 is the year of “Legacies Untold”, which recognizes some of the men and women who helped pioneer the field of cybersecurity. 

For more than 23 years, SecureWorld conferences have been connecting, informing, and developing leaders in cybersecurity through in-person regional events and interactive online platforms. The return of Toronto and its dedicated cybersecurity community to the SecureWorld fold signified a significant win-win for all involved, amplifying opportunities for knowledge exchange and professional growth.

The leaders who joined the SecureWorld Toronto Advisory Council to help plan the topics, speakers and vendor partners who took part at the conference's return this year was impressive; and many of them served as speakers, moderators and vocal advocates of the event.

SecureWorld staff, Advisory Council members and speakers heard continually throughout the day from attendees how glad they were to be at the conference. The fact the event is not just for CISOs but is for members on regional company cybersecurity teams – those in the trenches – was brought up as a noticeable aspect of the conference. Diversity was a hallmark of the event, evident in the wide array of backgrounds and expertise represented among attendees. From partners and members of the Canadian Cybersecurity Network to advisors and industry professionals, the collective enthusiasm to engage and learn from the sessions was palpable throughout the conference.

Overall, the event was well organized and executed. The day was well structured, with plenty of time to walk around the exhibitor floor and to network. It was kicked off by the Opening Keynote “Winning at the ‘Team Sport’ of Cybersecurity”, presented by Kenrick Bagnall, founder of KONCYBERE. He opened the day up with “treating cybersecurity as a “team sport””.  To keep us on track, the lunch time Keynote was Sabino Marquez, Chief Trust Officer at, who presented “Running Cybersecurity as a Business”. Sabino touched on the shift from Traditional IT Security, from a CISOs perspective. As the day progressed, I found myself in a whirlwind of presentations and panel discussions.

One panel that stood out to me was “Elevating Security Through Cloud Resilience and AI Innovations” with Vinay Puri, Alkin Gorgun, and Evgeniy Kharam as a moderator. They promised to “Unlock the secrets to fortified digital defenses and proactive cybersecurity leadership” in their compelling panel session, and that they did! The session provided the balance between use of AI and basic ground to earth cyber security practices. Their visionary insights challenged conventional wisdom and sparked questions from the audience. 

Networking opportunities abounded at SecureWorld, providing attendees with the chance to forge new connections and deepen existing ones. The Cyber Hero Games added an element of excitement.

SecureWorld had a Cyber Hero Games, where you go around the Exhibitor Hall and check-in to the booths. Not only does this ensure traffic for sponsors, but it also gives attendees the chance to win prizes! You could keep track of your score on their microsite. Their microsite also gave you the ability to view the agenda and plan out your day. You were also able to rate the sessions you attended, almost instantly, to ensure you didn’t forget about it (Bonus: it also gave you more points for Cyber Hero Games!). 

SecureWorld Toronto is most definitely an event I would suggest to attend. The sessions were one of the best I attended. I thoroughly enjoyed the last session I attended “Here to Help: Law Enforcement Is a Vital Partner for CISOs”, moderated by Lina Dabit, Inspector - Officer In Charge, Cybercrime Investigative Team Toronto, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Lina kept the compelling conversation going. She made sure to emphasize that the way the police deal with incidents is not like it used to be.They demystified the role of law enforcement and highlighted their collaborative potential as allies in the fight against cyber threats. 

There is great momentum for a return in 2025 for a bigger and better conference and the SecureWorld team already has volunteers lined up to speak in 2025 – from the Toronto region and outside the market. Toronto is becoming a hub for cybersecurity innovations. Having an event that has been around the United States for over 22 years in Toronto is major! 

As the day drew to a close, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to be part of such a vibrant and dynamic community. The conference had not only expanded my knowledge and horizons but also reaffirmed my passion for what I do. As I made my way home, I carried with me a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm, eager to apply what I had learned and continue the journey of lifelong learning and growth.