CyberVoices - Cybersecurity News

Toss your CV – Get your VIDEO on

Written by Canadian Cybersecurity Network News | Oct 31, 2023 12:28:56 PM

Snapshotis a new talent management platform to completely shake up cybersecurity recruitment.

No one wants to go through hundreds of resumes, and not even know if the candidate can effectively communicate and present themselves. Not only that, but the current process also takes too much time and is way too costly.

Snapshot allows employers to screen candidates easily via a web link, review it on their own time and make quick decisions about skills, competencies and team fit. Then they can set up an interview. BOOM.

Currently undergoing pilot testing, employers will likely have access to the platform in late October. Candidates who are interested in trying out the platform to find work should contact us for a web link to develop their profile.

There will be 3 key Snapshot services

  1. Platform for use by university and colleges to place their students or for larger employers to recruit.
  2. Free outplacement service for cybersecurity/tech employees laid off.
  3. A pay per hire “stealth mode” for experienced hires where companies pay a set price for anyone they want to hire. This service is fully in the control of experienced hires who decide if employers meet their requirements (salary, opportunity, name of company (do they want to work for X).

Get in touch today to be one of the first to access the platform.