So, you want to learn more about a career in cybersecurity?
Good day and thank you for stopping by! I speak with several people on a regular basis about their desire to learn more about a career in cybersecurity and many of the same questions are asked in each conversation. Some people are from outside the technology industry entirely while others are looking to transition from their current technology field role into cybersecurity. I wanted to share some of my personal tips and tricks for learning more about the cybersecurity industry and a few shout-outs to the people and resources that have helped me along my way.
I have worked in technology for over 21 years, with a primary role of business development and I chose to narrow my focus to cybersecurity in 2016 when I was looking for a new challenge while working at TELUS. I was extremely fortunate to have our Security Sales Director take a chance on me, knowing I did not have a ton of cybersecurity experience in the past. Throughout my personal journey into cybersecurity my motto has always been “Learn, learn, learn and learn some more! Be grateful, volunteer and pay it forward!” I have been truly fortunate to work with some fabulous formal and informal mentors throughout my career and I have relied on them extensively over the last 5 years as the cybersecurity field can be very confusing to navigate at times.
In your journey, I would encourage you to really get to know what drives you! What is your passion? Follow it. It is okay to change your focus once, twice, or as many times as you like to lead a fulfilling professional life. The ability to pivot within the cybersecurity field is easy and there will be multiple opportunities that you learn about throughout your career.
It is important to share that a job in cybersecurity is not just a techno weenie sitting in front of the keyboard hacking away. Although to be fair, during COVID I feel very much like a techno weenie hacking away on my keyboard while squirrelling away in my home office for the better part of 2 years now. The cybersecurity field is quite vast and includes a wide variety of focus areas, some of these are included below in laymen’s terms.
Here are my tips and tricks that might be helpful for you too!
Build Your Network:
Read Industry Reports (many are updated & published annually):
Get to Know Cybersecurity Frameworks:
My Fave Women in Cyber:
My Fave Podcasts:
My Fave YouTube Channels:
Women in Cyber Networks:
Resources to Explore Career Path Options:
I hope these are helpful! I would love to hear your feedback please.