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Empowering Women in Cybersecurity: Highlights from the Women in Cybersecurity Conference 2024

Written by Jessica Donskova | May 22, 2024 11:03:54 AM

Despite the rapid growth of the cybersecurity industry, women remain significantly underrepresented, comprising only 24% of the workforce. Events like the Women in Cybersecurity Conference, hosted by SiberX, play a crucial role in addressing this disparity. This conference isn't just a day of learning and networking; it's a day filled with motivation, where women are challenged to reach their goals and celebrated for their unique contributions to the field.

SiberX's Commitment to Diversity and Innovation

SiberX, founded by Mahdi Raza, has 4 phenomenal events throughout the year. They are known for delivering experiences that are “exciting, accessible, and diverse”. I had the pleasure of attending their Women in Cybersecurity 2024 event, continuing its mission to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in the cybersecurity industry. The event highlighted the essential role that diverse perspectives and experiences play in driving innovation and maintaining Canada’s leadership in the global cybersecurity arena.

A Day of Inspiration and Learning

The conference brought together cybersecurity professionals from diverse backgrounds, showcasing ground-breaking innovations and sharing stories from leaders who have overcome significant barriers. Attendees enjoyed a rich program packed with inspiring keynote speeches, interactive panels, technical and non-technical workshops, engaging activities, career development sessions, and the renowned awards gala.

Empowering Future Women Leaders

One standout session was “Empowering Future Women Leaders: Overcoming Stigmas, Insecurities, and Roadblocks to Nurture Success,” led by Shelly Wark-Martyn. The panelists, Sherry Rumbolt, Sue Abraham, Octavia Howell, and Ritu Dhaliwal, offered profound insights. Octavia Howell reminded us that women belong in any room they step into, highlighting the lack of diversity in leadership due to a lack of visibility. Sherry Rumbolt emphasized the importance of using one's voice assertively, encouraging attendees to manifest their career aspirations. This session left me feeling incredibly motivated and empowered as a woman in cybersecurity.

Emerging Leaders Can Hack (ELCanHack) Finals

Another highlight was the ELCanHack finals, a hackathon for beginners in cybersecurity, launched collaboratively by SiberX and Emerging Leaders in Canadian Security (ELCS) in 2022. This year's competition featured streams in Incident Response and Cyber Threat Intelligence. The hackathon provided young practitioners with real-life experiences and invaluable networking opportunities. Watching the finalists present their cases to a panel of judges was truly inspiring, showcasing the incredible potential of these emerging leaders.

An Unforgettable Gala Night

As the day drew to a close, attendees prepared for the formal Gala Night, which proved to be a memorable event. Daniela Spagnolo kicked off the evening, followed by Todd McCarthy, who highlighted the shortage of cyber skills and the need for diversity in the workforce. A panel discussion led by Lina Dabit, featuring Neetu Grewal, Renee Guttmann-Stark, Shannon Curran, and Kirsten Neumann, provided further insights into the challenges and triumphs of women in cybersecurity. The keynote speech by Sherry Rumbolt was particularly inspiring, offering valuable advice and motivation.

Celebrating Excellence: The Canadian Women in Cybersecurity Awards

The night concluded with the Canadian Women in Cybersecurity Awards, celebrating the outstanding contributions of:

Sherifat Akinwonmi – Lift as You Climb Mentor Award

Juliana Prah – Ally in Action Award

Snigdha K. – Emerging Leader Award

Kim Schreader – Women in Leadership Award

Melissa Carvalho – Lifetime Achievement Award

These awards honored five remarkable women for their achievements in the cybersecurity field.

A Must-Attend Event

I wholeheartedly recommend attending this event in the future. The Women in Cybersecurity Conference by SiberX is not just an event; it's a movement fostering empowerment, innovation, and community. Each session and interaction reinforced the message that diversity and inclusion are key to advancing the field. The blend of technical learning, personal development, and celebration of achievements created an atmosphere of inspiration and support.

In summary, this conference is a must-attend for anyone in the cybersecurity industry looking to connect, learn, and be inspired. SiberX continues to set the standard for DEI-focused events, and I look forward to participating in their future initiatives. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, the Women in Cybersecurity Conference offers valuable insights, networking opportunities, and the motivation to reach new heights. Don't miss out on this empowering experience!